Zonta Club of Accra expands teenage pregnancy awareness in schools

Zonta Club of Accra expands teenage pregnancy awareness in schools

18 février 2023 Non Par admin

Zonta Club of Accra expands teenage pregnancy awareness in schools

From 23 May to 1 June, the Zonta Club of Accra, Ghana, received financial help from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to help consolidate its project initiatives on adolescent sexual and reproductive health education. 

The funds allowed the club to expand its project to 21 selected schools and train 42 teachers as health coordinators and 105 adolescents as peer educators in the Abokobi and Kwabenya Sub municipalities of Ga East in the Greater Accra Region.

The project aims to create awareness of teenage pregnancy among students in the area by establishing health clubs to reduce the already-high number of teenage pregnancies in the area and educate the students about its negative impacts.

At the end of the training program, badges and certificates were presented to all participants. The club also distributed a book on teenage pregnancy to each of the 21 schools.